ESA Reports Pirate Bay & Other ROM Sites to the US Government

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Well, as the current state goes in the torrent industry, ESA Reports Pirate Bay and tons of other ROM Sites straight to the US Government. In case, if you don’t know ESA, it is the Entertainment Software Association which has got several members in them.

Among such member list, some of the top brands include EA, Ubisoft, and Nintendo. Hence, being a collective organization, all of them have called upon various pirate torrent sites and has taken action against them.

Hence, to let you know the whole story of “ESA Reports Pirate Bay and Other ROM Sites”, let us move ahead and discover some valuable information.

An Insight on ESA Reports Pirate Bay, ROM Sites

For over a long duration of time, the war between the ESA and other torrenting sites was ongoing.

Here, different cases have been filed against the torrenting sites. Still, almost all of them managed to escape the stringent claws of the law.

Hence, this time, the trade association says that the torrent sites are attacking them from every possible direction.

Here, the different torrent sites which are behind such things include Pirate Bay, unlicensed ROM archives’, DDL platforms and other cheat software companies.

Further, in response to the request from the USTR ( Office of the US Trade Representative), the ESA ( Entertainment Software Association) has submitted a list.

Now, the listing contains the names of every other scandalous market which is exploiting the gaming industry to deep extents.

What does the ESA Consists of?

Apart from the scenario of ESA reports Pirate Bay and other ROM sites, let us take a look at ESA. Hence, at present, the ESA represents some of the biggest names in the gaming industry are:

  • EAA
  • Activision
  • Nintendo
  • Ubisoft
  • Capcom
  • Konami
  • Square Enix
  • Microsoft

Here, the group ESA becomes the voice of such gaming companies and have turned out billion of dollars till now.

Thus, as far as the current state condition goes, every company is under different sorts of threat. In addition, to this, even the actual gaming experience is being copied which is truely, not a good thing.

A Word of Mouth by ESA

In a meeting, ESA said, “These sites typically generate revenue from user donations and/or online advertisements,” the ESA writes. “The following links sites are notable due to their heavy traffic, high volume of infringing video game file links that are indexed, and non-responsiveness to rights holder [takedown] notices.”

Wrapping Things Up: ESA Reports Pirate Bay and other ROM Sites

As far as the current condition goes, it seems that the war between ESA and other Pirate Sites is an unending one. Yes, both the parties are powerful. And both of them will do any sorts of things to win, at any cost.

Still, from a normal person’s perspective, of course, torrent sites are on the illegal site. Thus, what will be the last answer to the ongoing way in the story, “ESA Reports Pirate Bay and Other ROM Sites” we will just have to wait with patience, in any case.


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