SickRage Renames Itself to SickChill for Avoiding Trademark War


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SickRage which is a piece of software for monitoring torrent and Usenet platforms is undergoing a rebranding process. After the initial meeting of the developer team, they decided to rename the ‘SickRage’ as ‘SickChill’.

Earlier, this very month, TorrentFreak has reported on issues which were faced by SickRage. Here, it was a successful fork of the Sick beard PVR-like software which makes use of Usenet and torrent indexers.

Hence, to let you know about the whole story, let us move ahead and know an in-depth story of SickRage Rebranding.

SickRage Renames Itself to SickChill for Avoiding Trademark War Story

First of all in case, if you don’t know about SickRage, let me explain it in simple terms for you. SickRage is a GNU General Public Licensed Tool which gets improved on Sick Beard. Here, it helps to gain an impressive following.

However, there was a growing dispute with a former developer, Echelon which was said as the point of distraction.

Unfortunately, the problems haven’t stopped here itself. The DMCA notices which were filed against the former project, Echelon filed a trademark application in September.

Now, after brandishing the application, Echelon (named Justin Tabish) fired a complaint to developer Dustyn Gibson of the SickRage project.

Now, the application and threats haven’t been particularly well received by the SickRage community.

However, the SickRage community tells Torrent Freak that they will “totally wipe off their hands on the Echelon nonsense. Hence, the same they will do with the help of rebranding exercise whose name is SickChill.

A Word of Mouth by Milgotu

“Even though it was giving [Echel0n] what he wanted, it was in the best interest of the users to distance themselves from the copyright infringement issues he has opened for anything related to his (yet to be granted) trademarked work ‘Sickrage’,” SickChill developer Miigotu informs Torrent Freak.

Definitely, a timeline which was under review by TorrentFreak reveals that the Echelon was there in the project right from March 2014.

Further, the developer also reveals that on October 5, 2018, Echelon made an attempt to prevent the project of its income.

Now, in addition to the given reports, Echelon ran bitcoin-mining software to the SickRage variant right at which is a report on Github over a week ago.

A Take on Google Malware Scanner

While Google’s malware scanner had no issues with the domain, Torrent Freak made an attempt to reach out to

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Final Word of Mouth: SickRage Renames Itself to SickChill for Avoiding Trademark War Story

As of now, it is unclear whether the factions will be able to go into the directions of peace. Or, whether the tissues will remain to move forward. But, one thing is clear that both the projects will face damages, to some good detrimental effects.

Now, in case if you want to get eyes on the rebranded SickRage project, you can find the same by clicking here. On the other hand, the domain is out for sale whereas the proceedings will go straight to the EFF.




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