All the 3 Billions Yahoo Accounts were Hacked in 2013 Yahoo Data Breach!


    Yahoo data breach in 2013 is considered as the largest acknowledged hack of the history. But now it revealed to be actually thrice in size. This news brings a sense of insecurity among all the Yahoo email account holders. Hence people are looking for the solutions for their weaker online security. As a matter of fact, there is no solution better than a VPN service. Here, we let you find two of the most trustworthy VPN services; NordVPN and ExpressVPN.

    Under The Cover:

    Yahoo is an internet services company which mainly offers instant messaging and email services. It suffered a severe data breach in 2013; which was declared in December of the preceding year. Verizon has taken over the company this year. Yahoo now thinks; the actual number of discredited user accounts in the August 2013 data breach was 3 billion instead of 1 billion. It means the biggest breach of history affected all of its users at that time.

    The Yahoo Data Breach Of 2013 Exploitation:

    According to Yahoo statement in 2016, the data breach of 2013 disclosed user account details such as names, phone numbers, email addresses, date of births and passwords. Furthermore, in few cases, hackers stole security questions and answers both encrypted and unencrypted. However, Yahoo at that time affirmed the hackers could not receive any credit card or bank account information that was attached to Yahoo accounts.

    While the latest statements of Yahoo clarifies the fact; anyone who had the email account of Yahoo at the time of breach; was a victim of the hack.

    Who Was Behind The Yahoo Data Breach?

    As it turns out, the state-owned hackers were involved in the breach. After the revelation of the breach last year, there are many updates regarding the incident.

    Acquisition Of Yahoo By Verizon:

    Oath, the Verizon subsidiary into which Yahoo was merged, made the announcement in a filing with the SEC on Tuesday, which reads:

    “Subsequent to Yahoo’s acquisition by Verizon, and during integration, the company recently obtained new intelligence and now believes, following an investigation with the assistance of outside forensic experts, that all Yahoo user accounts were affected by the August 2013 theft.”

    What If You Were Among The 3 Billion Users?

    The above statement is alarming for all those who have Yahoo accounts. Therefore, if you still have not change your Yahoo password after the above announcement; then you ought to get a new password without wasting a single minute. Enable 2FA two-factor authentification.

    Moreover, you also need to change the answers to security questions that you set for the old password. Then obviously find the most secure VPN services to have better online security. You can learn more about VPN services in VPN Guide. This would be great for you if you want to know about best VPN services of 2017.

    The Idea Of Deleting Yahoo Account:

    Due to the sense of insecurity after the huge data breach, some of you may think of deleting your Yahoo account. But practically it’s not a good idea; because Yahoo has the policy to recycle its deleted account after a month. So this frame of time can allow anyone to take control of your email account. The bottom line is; whether you use your Yahoo account or not; make sure to enable 2FA and then leave it.

    Yahoo Notifications To Its Users:

    Yahoo has sent notifications to the affected account holders, asking them to modify their passwords instantly, and ensuring them that the stolen data “did not include passwords in clear text, payment card data, or bank account information.”

    Here we need to know this breach is different from the 2014 violation which Yahoo revealed in September last year. whereas it affected more than 500 Million user accounts.