Facebook Ads: Facebook Tracking, A Threat to your Online Privacy


    Facebook is not just a social app where you connect to your friends and family and share photos and videos, it is also an information puller, which works to gain its users’ personal information, preferences, choices, likes, dislikes etc. The purpose of this process is to log the data and share it with the third-party advertisers for Facebook Ads, which are the backbone of Facebook revenue. Revenue? you might be surprised by this word as you have always thought that Facebook is a free social app and never charged a single penny from you (know more about 5 Facebook settings you need to know). You are right with your part of the information, but let me tell you if you don’t know that all these so-called free social apps are profit generating machines and guess what is their product? it is You.

    Some of you may already know, but for the majority of the people who use Facebook a lot and share each and every personal and sensitive information on Facebook, such people are the income generating assets for the social apps (know how to unblock Facebook in China). I am not targeting Facebook, particularly as all so-called free social apps work this way. Facebook being the largest of these apps holds the most of the data and earns billions of dollar through Facebook Ads, by selling you, I meant your information to the advertisers who are the fuel of the Facebook ship. Blaming Facebook for this would be unfair as for me because Facebook does this with an open declaration and you have agreed to all of these actions when installing and signing up for the social networking app.

    Every information you choose to submit on Facebook goes to your profile made for targeted advertisement for the third-party advertisers. However, Facebook being ethical enough to let you control how do you want to look to the advertisers and how the Facebook Ads work, do it here, it will look like this picture below; you will be more than amazed after realising how accurate your profile for the advertiser is.

    How to check your Facebook ad preferences.

    To stop Facebook tracking you and not just Facebook, Google and other sites track your online activities for the same purpose as mentioned above. If you don’t want these sites and search engines to earn profit out of your information you can implement some privacy measure and adopt some habits which protects your online privacy as well, read our ultimate privacy guide. The best tool is to use the most secure VPN services which make you untraceable online and keep the snoopers at bay.