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UK Govt. Is Backing Anti-Piracy Campaign And Funding £2 Million

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As of now, the UK Govt. has taken a leap ahead and have said to fund £2 million in the ongoing “Get it Right” anti-piracy campaign. This funding will be given until the year 2021 which is truly an amazing thing.

Now, under the program, the UK Internet Providers and rightsholders have made an alliance to fight piracy at a much global level. They will move forward to educate the public against piracy with the help of genuine channels.

Further, to let you know more about the Anti-Piracy Campaign, let’s move ahead and gather some more information.

Uk Govt. Backing Anti-Piracy Campaign To Fight Piracy

If we go back four years ago, the copyright industrial groups and ISP’s teamed up to fight piracy in the United Kingdom.

Having the support of the government, they have launched different educational campaigns which spread awareness among the youths.

Now, under the program, “Get it Right”, ISPs have sent out different warnings to plenty of subscribers who share copyright infringement content.

This was stated the very last and the same is ongoing at a much greater pace.

However, till now, there hasn’t been many official updates and a series of alerts are going in the United Kingdom. It even appears as if the UK Government are much happy with the amount of progress they have made so far.

The very last week, UK Government said that they will be funding the “Get it right” campaign with a whopping £2 million. This will be a great boost for the UK’s creative industries as well as for the other entertainment industries.

A Word of Mouth by Margot James

“This package will take the sector from strength to strength by arming the next generation of creative’s with the necessary skills and giving businesses in the sector the support they need to succeed,” says Margot James, who is the Minister for the Creative Industries.

Till now, it is quite unclear what the future plans of the anti-piracy campaign will be. As for the “Get it Right” campaign, nothing has changed much over the past years.

However, the email warning program will continue and target all the pirated sites as they did years ago.

As of now, we are not much aware of the public reports on the ongoing campaign. But, as per some insiders, data suggesting is actually working.

As per the research, this campaign is making a massive difference and it can actually change people’s thinking. For the entertainment industries, they will be quite happy with the UK government who is at least putting some efforts to fight piracy.

Read More: Movie Piracy is Bringing Millions of Extra Revenue with the Help of Promotion

Final Word of Mouth: Uk Govt. Backing Anti-Piracy Campaign To Fight Piracy

Summing things up, while it is hard to actually see the return on investment, UK government is thriving their best to fight against pirate sites.

As for the pirate sites, they will not stay quiet and will find newer ways to establish their piracy ruling once again.

Finally, in the fight between the UK Anti-Piracy Campaign and Pirate sites, things will surely get bitter, with time.

content credit- Torrent Freak
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